It produces a compound narrow gap bevel on an existing standard API 30-degree bevel, or flame cut end supplied on the line pipe. Hydraulically- operated clamping shoes hold the machine square to the pipe and a rotating face plate equipped with multiple carbide cutting tools is fed into the pipe end.
The narrow gap bevel reduces the weld metal volume required to fill the weld groove and therefore significantly decreases the overall welding time, compared with manual welding using a conventional 30-degree bevel. These advantages increase with increasing wall thickness. These machines can be set up with a variety of bevel configurations to meet the requirements of the project.
These machines can also be set up to produce any desired bevel configuration required for a specific project. These machines are available from 8” to 60” pipe diameters and hold precise bevel measurements by utilizing a roller to follow the inside contour of the pipe. Power for the Pipe End Preparation machines is supplied by Hydraulic Power Units.
Hydraulically- operated clamping shoes hold the machine square to the pipe from the inside while a rotating face plate equipped with multiple carbide cutting tools is fed into the pipe end. Each tool holder can cut a different bevel angle simultaneously.
The Counterbore Machine can bore back into the pipe up to 5.5 inches. These machines are necessary when using mechanized ultrasonic scanners for weld quality inspection on pipe joints of unequal wall thicknesses.
This machine utilizes hydraulic rams to press the roller/cutting tool against the inside surface of the pipe. The cut is made in a single pass.
The HPU may be powered by a diesel/gas motor, electric motor, or PTO driven. These units consist of: